About this course
Upon successful completion of security training and licensing, individuals will be able to seek employment as a Security Guard, Loss Prevention Worker, Executive Security or Alarm Responder with the Security Industry across Canada.
Module One
Introduction to the Security Industry
In Module 1, you will learn to: describe the various roles and responsibilities of security professionals; identify circumstances and explain how security professionals protect persons; identify circumstances and explain how security professionals protect property; define the process through which security professionals are licensed in the province of Alberta; state the main provisions of the Security Services and Investigator’s Act; describe the main provisions of the Security Services and Investigator’s Act; state the responsibilities and restrictions of a security professional under the Act; describe the Complaints process as identified under the Security Services Investigator’s Act; define and demonstrate professional conduct for security professionals; and define and demonstrate professional appearance and deportment for security professionals.
Module Two
The Canadian Legal System and Security Professionals
In Module 2, you will learn to: describe how the Criminal Code of Canada and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms relate to the work of a security professional; Identify the legal authorities, rights, and limitations of an on-duty security professional; discuss and provide examples of a citizen’s power of arrest under the Criminal Code; identify the types of offenses in the Criminal Code of Canada and provide examples of each; discuss and provide examples of the following: o Use of force in the line of duty o Provisions for search and seizure in the performance of duties o Legal powers of security professionals in situations of trespassing or vandalism o Legal powers of security professionals in loss prevention and theft; describe the consequences when a security professional exceeds his/her authority; identify and explain additional legislation with respect to security professionals, including: o Gaming and Liquor Act and Regulation o Employment Standards Code and Regulation o Petty Trespass Act
Module Three
Basic Security Procedures
In Module 3, you will learn to: explain and demonstrate the observation skills utilized by a security professional; explain and demonstrate the various techniques used to: control access to sites or venues, and areas within, carry out surveillance, control crowds, describe the signs and behaviours associated with substance abuse, identify drug paraphernalia, interact with media personnel, control traffic in emergency and non-emergency situations; describe shift-related responsibilities, such as: interpreting shift posting orders, starting a new shift and transferring responsibility at the end of a shift; explain best practices when working with a partner; as well as explain and provide examples of an appropriate use of force response for a security professional.
Module Four
Communication for Security Professionals
In Module 4, you will learn to: describe effective verbal and non-verbal communication strategies for security professionals; identify and demonstrate methods of communication which are free from bias, discrimination, or harassment; identify strategies for effective verbal and non-verbal communication in situations where communication barriers exist; explain and demonstrate verbal and non-verbal communication skills when interacting with individuals who show signs of being: uncooperative, violent, and impaired; identify and develop strategies to control your personal triggers in situations of conflict or anxiety; as well as conduct an effective interview.
Module Five
Documentation and Evidence
In Module 5, you will learn to: describe the importance and legal implications of maintaining an accurate and complete notebook; describe the correct use of a notebook; maintain an accurate and complete notebook; obtain and record an accurate and complete statement; prepare accurate and complete written reports; preserve and protect evidence and a potential crime scene; as well as prepare for the process of giving testimony in court.
Module Six
Response Procedures for Security Professionals
In Module 6, you will learn to: identify emergency alarm calls and required follow-up response; identify required assistance upon responding to an emergency alarm; describe precautions for maintaining the safety of self and others at the scene of an emergency; as well as monitor emergency scene for status changes and advise additional resources as required.
Module Seven
Health and Safety for Security Professionals
In Module 7 you will learn to: describe best practices for personal safety while on duty in the areas of: communication, duties and emergency response; identify potential hazards at security sites and venues; discuss strategies for dealing with the effects of shift work on: health, personal fitness, sleep and social life.