Mystery Shopping has been happening since the 1940’s. It started with private investigators going primarily into banks and retail stores to assess the employees’ integrity. Sting is a licensed investigations agency, accredited to train private investigators for licensing in 4 provinces in Canada. We know how to screen (vet) and train our evaluators. What makes us stand out from other mystery shopping companies is Sting comes at mystery shopping as it began, with an investigative point of view. 


Improve Your Business with Mystery Shopping

Sting evaluators will enter your establishment, your website’s virtual storefront, or your trade show or event as any customer would, conduct market research, make a purchase or engage your services and report back on their experience and observations. These visits can be customized to suit any scenario. 


The Process is easy!

Sting will give you a FREE consultation, find out what your needs are and we will send you a couple sample surveys so you can focus in on what you require. Then we will create a custom survey for your business. We set up client user logins for you and whichever part of management team you choose. You decide on the frequency of shops (monthly, quarterly, or to test ALL of your staff). Once we have your first round complete, we can go back in and make any adjustments you like.

Our Online Reporting takes the entire experience and can include photos and video, as well as the complete narrative. These evaluations often see things that are hidden from management and/or CCTV.

Clients will receive a .PDF of the results of each shop, in real time, as it is validated. They can also login to view the statistics, see trends and have access to a variety of reporting that can be used in staff, management and/or shareholder meetings.

Our evaluators may visit restaurants, pubs or nightclubs, liquor retail stores, hotels, spas, retail stores, fast food chains, banks, gyms, movie theaters, car dealerships or repair shops. 



Types of Mystery Shopping Evaluations:

Onsite evaluations

Evaluators will arrive onsite at your location if they were a regular customer and evaluate the following:

  • greeting or lack there-of
  • cleanliness of the location
  • customer service
  • product placement, branding and marketing
  • employee professionalism – including product/service knowledge
  • compliance with provincial authorities – Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis Compliance 
  • problem resolution
  • exit remark  

Phone service audits

Evaluators can call any phone associated with your business (the location, customer support, delivery orders, etc) and evaluate the following:

  • how many rings to pick up
  • the attendant’s greeting (did they follow the script?)
  • was the attendant friendly and engaging?
  • brand knowledge and awareness
  • problem resolution
  • exit remark 

Online evaluations

Evaluators will attempt a purchase or engage services through your virtual storefront, online chat feature, email or mobile app and evaluate the following:

  • online safety and security
  • ease of navigation
  • purchase process from order to arrival
  • market research
  • customer service   

Once the shop is complete, the shopper gets on our Online Report Portal through the mobile app or their computer and submits the report, attaching any photos, audio or video.  This report is then validated by a licensed private investigator and available to our clients, in real time, via PDF sent to your email, through your phone via the client mobile app or using the client user login through their computer. 

(booking agent to setup a zoom chat to review sample reports and system)